
A society where all youth have the necessary resources and support to succeed and achieve their unique American Dream regardless of race, socioeconomic status, background or circumstances.


To connect high school graduates to quality and sustainable employment and to create and foster a tangible pathway to a lifetime of economic independence and success.

Who We Are

DA nonprofit employment, career & staffing services firm driven by diversity, equity and inclusion. We are focused on making a positive impact and getting people to work versus profit. We are building a stronger community and local economy by providing a pathway and easier access to quality and sustainable employment for high school graduates.

What We Do

We offer wraparound career and employment services to high school graduates to help them navigate their post secondary journey and find their own individual path to success. On the flip side… we work with employers of all kinds to help them staff their entry-level and front-line positions and to diversify and strengthen their workforce.

Core Values

Fierce commitment to diversity, equity & inclusion

Our foundation. Everyone is seen, heard , respected and valued for who they are.

Fostering the potential of everyone

With access to resources and support ALL can succeed.

Leading with empathy

We seek to understand first. Then we act.

Innovative thinking & solution seeking

“Can’t” is not in our vocabulary.


We are honest, ethical and do the right thing. Always.